
Topic: Occult Misc.
Zodiac and Planets Alchemy
Aries- The beginning, the Alpha, birth of the world, evolution, initial birth, creation, fertile and energy filled, sprouting of new life, spark of existence, the primordial, the flame that vivifies, the fount of life, suns energy sparks existence, destructive in nature, flames of power, warlike and aggressive, commander of the stars, raiser and separator of the heavens and earth, bearer of the sun, to bring forth, the cardinal points, supports the sun, beginning of cycles,
Taurus- The birth of man, the word of god, creative force, gives birth to nature, generative power, procreation, bisexual, birth of light, restorer of light, the spirit of god, the breath of life, to regenerate nature, sign of light, swallower of the earth, fertilization of life, source of sorrow, renewal of existence, place of emergence, opening, doorway, creator of the universe, giver of life, the producer, the veil of life,
Gemini- The messengers of gods and man, two directions of force, twin lions or the dual force of the sun, splitting off in existence, the knowledge of the gods, two directions of mankind’s evolution, tomb of life, power of the alchemical mercury, spoken word of god, wisdom and knowledge, controller of immortality, completed creation, trinity in unity, journey of life, guide of souls, call of life, the sphinx, completion of bisexual humanity, gateway to the heavens, the revealer, the scribe, logos, messenger of the sun, transformer,
Cancer- Completion of creation, giver of life and death, rotation and cycles, rebirth and renewal, transformation of life, spirit of life, immortality, to redeem, the eternal and infinite, reflection of creation, to copy oneself into another form, resurrection, reincarnation, the transformer, the waters of life, the birth force, the womb of life, birth place, the soul, illuminates the darkness, the abyss, trinity, new and pure
Leo- The power of fire, a lion symbol, strength and power, illuminates the world, the worlds temple, dispels darkness, initiation into the mysteries, to be an energy force, the force of the gods, destructive and creative, dominion and honor, the lions mouth and tail, the heart of the signs, the source of life, the life force, the spark of vitality, serpent force, the great illuminator, circle of life, overcoming darkness, life giver,
Virgo- The cosmic mother, purity and purification, pure matter, the tree of life, trees in general, branches, the tree of the celestial waters, virgin force, wine and divine bloodline, seed of life, mother nature, celestial triangle, triangular forms, harvest and the outpouring of fruition, reaping of the harvest, regeneration, service, virgin of the sea, the great deep of creation,
Libra- The weighing of matter, the weight of judgment, balancer of creation, balance, the horizon, the backbone of creation, to keep asunder, uphold balance, the altar of the world, altar of fire, justice ray, cosmic altar, the measurer, the truth of existence, feather of life, the pillars that uphold the world, the keeper of judgment, the law giver,
Scorpio- Dry earth, to dry up or evaporate, to disappear, mists or clouds, preparation, lord of the ark, temptation, to devour, the west of regeneration and generation, the red life force, to seize, powers of darkness, exhalation, destructive, death ray, the underworld, force of death and rebirth, the world serpent, serpent man, Dagon, dries up water or flood, evolution, darkness and night, healer or destroyer, slayer,
Sagittarius- A restorer of light, house of light, the archer, aims directly, transmutation of matter or life, arrows of light or sun, a sunbeam, chariot of the sun, struggle against darkness, the light bearer, the conqueror, to carry a bow, the two truths, breath and clouds, heaven born, unity and harmony, alchemical transmuting, the rainbow, god and man as one, expansion, soul of the world, motion and existence, bow of time, time god, a rainbow or messenger, transmission of force,
Capricorn- Bridge of life, a sign of the abyss, bridge of death, conductor of souls, sign of the macrocosm and microcosm, birth of the universe and its death also, dissolution, death of the sun, entrance to the underworld, to reemerge, the night, mountains, height of the heavens, death of the sun, those that are initiates, solitude, guardian of the unseen realm, power and authority, divine judgment, the restrictor, the revealer, purifier of souls, gatekeeper of the west or fallen ones, opener of new life or cycles,
Aquarius- The two streams of light, source of the waters, nourisher of life, the light bringer, the fount of source, mother of the abyss, source of fertilization, rain, sowing of the seed, deluges, destructive waters, law of opposites, the law giver, renewal, torch bearers of light, new life out of the waters, man and woman, river of life, the star of light
Pisces- Darkness, and affliction, waters of the abyss, the gestator, boats and the fisherman, fish man, symbol of birth, dissolution of matter, resurrection, spiritual forces, the celestial divider, fountains of life, the bringer forth of life, the generator, to bring forth, life giving waters, washing away, the serpent of darkness, lakes and oceans
Sun- The power of fire, a lion symbol, strength and power, illuminates the world, the worlds temple, dispels darkness, initiation into the mysteries, to be an energy force, the force of the gods, destructive and creative, dominion and honor, the lions mouth and tail, the heart of the signs, the source of life, the life force, the spark of vitality, serpent force, the great illuminator, circle of life, overcoming darkness, life giver,
Moon- Completion of creation, giver of life and death, rotation and cycles, rebirth and renewal, transformation of life, spirit of life, immortality, to redeem, the eternal and infinite, reflection of creation, to copy oneself into another form, resurrection, reincarnation, the transformer, the waters of life, the birth force, the womb of life, birth place, the soul, illuminates the darkness, the abyss, trinity, new and pure
Mercury- The messengers of gods and man, two directions of force, twin lions or the dual force of the sun, splitting off in existence, the knowledge of the gods, two directions of mankind’s evolution, tomb of life, power of the alchemical mercury, spoken word of god, wisdom and knowledge, controller of immortality, completed creation, trinity in unity, journey of life, guide of souls, call of life, the sphinx, completion of bisexual humanity, gateway to the heavens, the revealer, the scribe, logos, messenger of the sun, transformer,
Venus- The birth of man, the word of god, creative force, gives birth to nature, generative power, procreation, bisexual, birth of light, restorer of light, the spirit of god, the breath of life, to regenerate nature, sign of light, swallower of the earth, fertilization of life, source of sorrow, renewal of existence, place of emergence, opening, doorway, creator of the universe, giver of life, the producer, the veil of life,
Mars- The beginning, the Alpha, birth of the world, evolution, initial birth, creation, fertile and energy filled, sprouting of new life, spark of existence, the primordial, the flame that vivifies, the fount of life, suns energy sparks existence, destructive in nature, flames of power, warlike and aggressive, commander of the stars, raiser and separator of the heavens and earth, bearer of the sun, to bring forth, the cardinal points, supports the sun, beginning of cycles,
Jupiter- A restorer of light, house of light, the archer, aims directly, transmutation of matter or life, arrows of light or sun, a sunbeam, chariot of the sun, struggle against darkness, the light bearer, the conqueror, to carry a bow, the two truths, breath and clouds, heaven born, unity and harmony, alchemical transmuting, the rainbow, god and man as one, expansion, soul of the world, motion and existence, bow of time, time god, a rainbow or messenger, transmission of force,
Saturn- Bridge of life, a sign of the abyss, bridge of death, conductor of souls, sign of the macrocosm and microcosm, birth of the universe and its death also, dissolution, death of the sun, entrance to the underworld, to reemerge, the night, mountains, height of the heavens, death of the sun, those that are initiates, solitude, guardian of the unseen realm, power and authority, divine judgment, the restrictor, the revealer, purifier of souls, gatekeeper of the west or fallen ones, opener of new life or cycles,
Serpenta Azothi