
Topic: Kabbalistic Information
Qlippoth Sephiroths
- Kether-Thaumiel-
1-Coins- Manifestation, creation, the place of the Qlippoth, the stars and Qlippoth planets, chaos energy, synchronicity and signs, portals and other dimensions, spark of life, the power of the black sun,
1-Swords- rules over laws of the Qlippoth, a messenger, communication, power of telepathy, breath of life, knowledge and wisdom,
1-Cups- to consume something, gives birth to something, pure emotions, entrance to the abyss, rules over the dragon bloodlines, to purify something, consecrating anything, moon energies,
1-Wands- to initiate a force, power of the storm, power of the sun, energy, spark to action, illumination, enlightenment
- Chockma-Ogiel-
2-Coins- Energy vampirism, changes, alterations, destructive vs. constructive, switching two things, constant movement, infinite actions, going in circles,
2-Swords- to direct something, to bring disruption or peace, to shake up an issue, to calm, balance, to regulate energy,
2-Cups- the power of the union of the moon and sun, the eclipses and their energy, sexual love, harmony or discord,
2-Wands- pure will, initiating a current of energy, great power and awakening it, to bring shock, to penetrate something, fertilization, to attack - Binah-Sateriel-
3-Coins- Manifestation of an idea, finding others plans and strategies, to establish or to form something, constructiveness, to engineer and process an idea, the steps to build something, pyramids, portals and doorways, formulation of matter,
3-Swords- gestating what’s to be created, to renew something, resurrect an issue, end something, transition to another world, death, process of destruction of earth, the union of a force to destroy something else, rebirth, darkness and shadow magick, night shades, spirits, the abyss and crossing it,
3-Cups- vampirism to acquire the fruits of knowledge and power, initiation, to see as dragons or Qlippoth sees, innocence and virginity, immortality to seek,
3-Wands- serpent force initiating, gateway to Qlippoth, to bring awakening from the dark, the light gives way to birth, virtue and pride - Chesed-Gasheklah-
4-Coins- The final solidification of power, or new world, to establish something, to make solid, helps create servitors and any magical being, final stage of concrete rebirth, to have protection, gain new powers, justice and defense, watchers, vigilant, law enforcers, authority of the Qlippoth, the chest of the dragon, to contain energies, to hide something, to protect, ruler of the elements of the new world, to make secure, the goals of the Qlippoth
4-Swords- to trick and feed lies to others, deceptive, make others ignorant, holding great secrets, prevent others from getting the truth, controlling the media, controlling all information, laying down laws, keeping a truce while disliking it, compromise, unwavering laws and issues
4-Cups- evolving, to become like a god, the state of changing from human to a god, great changes within that brings new a phase of stability, feeling alive, immortality, pleasure and desire, individuality, unlimited resources, enjoyment, luxurious state of existence, foods,
4-Wands- to make something finish, bring to completion, the illuminating force of law, order and government, fair play and gentleness but with great impetus beneath it, completion of the work to manifest anew on the new earth, a stopping point of a working, complete and finished
- Geburah-Golachab-
5-Coins- to control someone, slavery of the mind or consciousness, to corrupt someone, mind control, pressure, to make people zombie like, make others worry and fret, disturb others, loss of finances and work, make someone unaware
5-Swords- to bring disruption, and create weakness by pacifism of the senses, to backstab the masses, trickery, enfeebling by everyday pleasures, take away someone’s strength, treachery and disturbances, weaken slowly then shatters at its climax, corrupting system from within,
5-Cups- to initialize destruction of something, to make things decay, weather magic, get rid of problems slowly, to take away something, emptiness, things shriveling up, disappointments, preparations, empty consciousness, theft
5-Wands- destruction and war, attacking, combat, struggles and strife, destruction and resurrection, rebirth, like a phoenix, ashes of the dead, the power to destroy the old for the new - Tiphereth-Tageriron-
6-Coins- Success and establishment of the great work, Qlippoth with great powers, the process transferring to a new form, the beginning of the new aeon’s dawn, reawakening of the other Qlippoth spheres
6-Swords- the establishment of the new earths mindset, the philosophy, beliefs and knowledge of magic, the secrets of magic, the basis of the new akashic records, the core of Qlippoths society and way of life, the new aeons science and theories
6-Cups- harmony and pleasures, ease and wellness, happiness and pleasure on this new earth, fertility and abundance, love, gain and honors, harmony of nature, no strain or pressure, no death in the new earth, to be satisfied,
6-Wands- complete and balanced manifestation, the emergence of the victory of the rousing of the sun behind the sun, victory, to support without aid, calming, successful, aids Lilith and Samael - Netzach-Oreb Zaraq-
7-Coins- Vampirism, energy drain, taint and poison, to make someone fail, to stop growth, bring blight, destructive nature, stop a force,
7-Swords- bring chaos and vacillation, emptiness, make devoid of will or thought, weaken someone’s mind, bring problems mentally to others, a system to make people ineffectual in anything, make others become prey, many overwhelming problems
7-Cups- emotional problems create, pleasure poisoning from the inside, bad health, bad foods, poisonous effects, sickness, nature ill, earths direction
7-Wands- to bring degeneration, leaving behind courage of the past, escape, departing, the last of confidence, all support lost, - Hod-Samael-
8-Coins- The turning of the tide, engineering final events, to prepare, awaiting destruction of earth, rules over the averse tree of life, soon to retire, figuring out strategy, taking energy from the earth into the Qlippoth realm
8-Swords- the laws of the Qlippoth to interfere, make things fail, thwarting the will, interfering, weapons to attack
8-Cups- draining nature, dissolution of the earth, gives disease, no life on earth, disappearing of nature or anything, dissolving, pestilence, broken emotions, broken life, decay and little energy, doing nothing
8-Wands- the will now in action physically, the process of the switching of the poles, switching energies, the Qlippoth of what humans call physics, the universal energy bringing into being the change of the aeon, to restore the universe, restoration of anything, - Yesode-Gamaliel-
9-Coins- Bringing back the balance to the universe or anything, success and gain, replace earth with the Qlippoth realm, to complicate an issue, the gradual exhaustion of earth
9-Swords- the past and earth now rectified, death and your judgment seat, to pass or fail, those that fail will be tortured and destroyed, those that passed will move on to the next world, inquisitorial like, passage to the Qlippoth, a portal, to bring revenge, submit to death
9-Cups- to be fulfilled, completion, happiness of successful journey, happiness, indulgence, pleasure, enjoyment, fulfillment, culmination and near manifestation, nectar of the gods
9-Wands- great work culminating, strength, balance of the worlds, the best that can be attained, change of the poles brings stability, reveals the secrets of the Qlippoth, success - Malkuth-Lilith-
10-Coins- The great work completed, the switching of the poles finished and equilibrated, the black sun appears and Lucifer reigns in the new world, successful, manifestations, appearances, revelations, rebirth of something,
10-Swords- to bring to an end to human slave like thought patterns, ridding of the philosophies of humankind on earth, bringing things to an end, purging religions, morals
10-Cups- getting rid of overindulgences, sloth, and gluttony of the senses, getting rid of human based essence
10-Wands- to bring an end to restrictions, to have freedom, stopping blockages, ending repression, stop suppression