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Thursday, 12 July 2007
Memetic Virus Theory
Mood:  sharp
Topic: All Magick

Memetic Virus Theory



Extract from the cultural universal mind a virus, or bind one to the person, situation, or object.


The creation of a new virus from the cultural universal mind without the willed casting


Spontanously memetic genesis- At the same time virus are created


Virus created and willed through the manipulation as virus in the cultural universal mind to create a complex virus defining the virus form.


This virus structure was put into the cultural universal mind


Virus must be created and programmed to act within the virus programming in question.


In creating a virus in the cultural universal mind this created virus must create other viruses to maintain the virus’s desired end.


The virus in the cultural universal mind will control other people or things or events.


A person can affect change in whatever by creating thought viruses which spread and infect, teach, and replicate throughout the world.


Any virus manipulating the cultural universal mind which results in new virus structures is an example of FASHIONED MEMETIC GENESIS Creating a new virus.


People can create viruses and charge them into the cultural universal mind with the intent of the viruses programming, must be correctly charged.


Try to cast viruses that have a sympathetic intent in order to manipulate.


A category of a virus intent that is powerful that a virus seeks to replicate into uninfected minds.


Attack virus memes are created to attack someone or the cultural mind.


The virus structure is an aggressive virus which attempts to subdue threats in the most effective manner.


The cultural mind and the viruses manifesting are at war between viruses.


Defensive memes-virus- are created to block or divert the activity of other viruses.


Virus mutation-


When viruses are released, the virus takes on a life of their own.  The person can create a virus with certain attributes intended to protect a virus from seen an unforeseen viral influence, but will have little control over how a created virus reacts once its been charged and put into position to act.  If the creator of the virus creates a high quality sturdy virus it should withstand the attacks of other viruses and accomplish its purpose.  If the creator of the virus leaves a weakness in the virus it could be exploited by pre-existing viruses residing in the cultural mind.  Unforeseen viruses linking to created viruses can cause the virus to mutate into new virus which then affects the cultural mindset in unusual and unanticipated ways.


Virus structures like atoms bind to receptive points of the edges of other viruses.  If a person wishes to create a virus unlikely to mutate, they must make certain to create a virus with as few receptive points as possible.


Viruses become viruses because the individual virus, which constitute the parts of the whole are able to bind to one another.  The virus nature is to bind with other viruses to create more complex thought/virus entities.


A person can create viruses shielded from the influence of foreign virus types, this shielding can always be bypassed by the invading virus possessing the proper characteristics.


A created virus with strong defensive walls should be able to withstand attacks from other viruses over long periods of time, remaining to uphold the virus’s intent.


Viruses could be created by attracting other viruses and incorporating those viruses into the original virus.  A skilled virus creator could create a virus framework with open binding ports into which other viruses can be absorbed.


For replication to occur dealing with viruses, it must bind itself to another, and mate or copy.


If a person wants to make a great change to the world, it must affect many.  By binding his created virus onto an existing virus that has been successfully effective, it needs to be implanted.







Posted by lam777 at 10:18 PM EDT
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Word List For Chaos Ideas
Mood:  not sure

Chaos Word Ideas For Varied Purposes





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Posted by lam777 at 10:11 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 12 July 2007 10:18 PM EDT
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Chaos Magic Ideas
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: All Magick

Chaos Ideas


Create sigil, charge sigil, create mantra from sigil, chant a spell from sigil, create servitor from sigil mantra.


Use the spirit of something, like charmed book of shadows from the show, or frost spirits, etc.


Use both a sigil and mantra in your work. Sigil Servitors to create.


Create a sigil, create servitor or use one already made, and use it to create or multiply the sigils Intent with a mantra too.  Invoking, or on its own.  Visualize what he or she is to do, and talk with it, force it to act, duplicate being (intent) and send it off.



Sigil charging employing the Chaossphere:


In lieu of other charging techniques you can project the magickal

sigil activation into the Chaossphere; banishing (preferably by

laughter) should follow immediately. Afterwards aim to forget the

whole magickal operation as thoroughly as possible to avoid

interference with the sigil`s operation by the unwanted rise of

consciousness of said operation/sigil and resultant inhibiting

psychic censor activity.


Charging the Chaossphere:


Experience has shown that the Chaossphere does not demand a special

charging by ritual etc. Rather, the charging takes place alone by

its practical application. Should you desire to incorporate magickal

"condensator" fluids or solids (eg. as used for charging magickal

mirrors) this can easily be achieved by unscrewing the tips and

replacing them after filling in the condensator.


Activating psychogones/chaoservitors employing the Chaossphere:


Use the Chaossphere as a "base camp" and "home" for

psychogones/chaoservitors and/or as a form of "launching pad". In

case of the former the Chaossphere presents itself as a high class

power receptacle and storage battery from which you can extract your

psychogones/chaoservitors into the Chaossphere as you would with

sigils to be activated; thus, the Chaossphere will become a gate to

the Sphere of Chaos for your magickal entities in which (and from

which) they will become active in accord with your bidding.


To create the servitor, summon energy that represents that intent, summon from the chaos sphere, the base to what it will be in, to activate the servitor also.  Say you want to effect the past, summon the energy of the past and put it into the servitor, use the servitor to activate the sigil.


Some by Serpenta Azothi, The rest unknown.

Posted by lam777 at 10:07 PM EDT
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Chaos Magick Ideas and Spirits
Mood:  chatty
Topic: All Magick

Chaos Magick Ideas and Spirits 


“Evoking spirits of anything”


Evoke and invoke things that pertain to you, converse, see and alter if needed.


Send messages through charging words of beings names, can be anyone or anything.


Do this with computers, objects living things.


Charge words to open portals to alike words to manifest spell effects.


Words have spirits.


Write word spells than charge the whole spell the written chant.


Each tarot card has a spirit.


Spirits of events exist.



List of spirits:


Spirit of tarot patterns

Spirit of detection

Spirit of enchantment

Spirit of the past

Spirit of memories

Spirit of the odd

Spirit of the weird

Spirit of gossip

Spirit of information, knowledge

Spirit of intervention

Spirit of interference

Spirit of the invisible or unseen

Spirit of the hidden

Spirit of the library of Alexandria

Spirit of limits

Spirit of lost objects

Spirit of lost information

Spirit of signs, patterns, and manifestations

Spirit of medicine

Spirit of obsession

Spirit of secrets

Spirit of number patterns

Spirit of computers

Spirit of weaknesses

Spirit of the night

Spirit of nightmares

Spirit of obscuring the truth

Spirit of obstacles and barriers

Spirit of chaos

Spirit to see outcome

Spirit of paranoia

Spirit of altering perception

Spirit of disorder

Spirit of projections

Spirit of surprises

Spirit that randomly creates

Spirit of reflecting issues

Spirit of cracking reality

Spirit of fears

Spirit of uneasiness and the disturbing

Spirit of restoring

Spirit of restriction

Spirit of ripple effect

Spirit of confusion

Spirit of shadows

Spirit of shame

Spirit of silence

Spirit of source of problems

Spirit of stealth

Spirit of ancient knowledge

Spirit of stimulation

Spirit that stirs emotions

Spirit of strangeness

Spirit of confidence

Spirit of stupidity

Spirit of erasing things and objects

Spirit of synchronicity

Spirit of police

Spirit that summons the unknown

Spirit of time

Spirit of trickery

Spirit of triggers

Spirit of unleashing

Spirit of upheaval

Spirit of vanquishing

Spirit of virus’s

Spirit of wormholes

Spirit of fate

Spirit of cloning

Spirit of activity

Spirit of aggression

Spirit of peace

Spirit of deleting

Spirit of disappearing

Spirit to bring to life worst fears

Spirit of fright

Spirit of luck

Spirit of butterfly effect

Spirit of an event

Spirit of a word

Spirit of tarot cards

Spirit of ice

Spirit of snow

Spirit of rain

Spirit of thunder

Spirit of lightning

Spirit of clouds

Spirit of the wind

Spirit of order

Spirit of gematria

Spirit of cars

Spirit of fate

Spirit of sleep

Spirit of cats

Spirit of dogs

Spirit of enemies

Spirit of the void

Spirit of words

Spirit of inspiration

Spirit of forgetting

Spirit of loss of memory

Spirit of support

Spirit of opposition

Spirit of spells

Spirit of misdirection

Spirit of history

Spirit of Atlantis

Spirit of Lemuria

Spirit of homework

Spirit of learning

Spirit of misunderstandings

Spirit of separation

Spirit of intensifying

Spirit of the unexpected

Spirit of deception

Spirit of renewal

Spirit of egos

Spirit of houses

Spirit of cemetery

Spirit of crowds

Spirit of conversations

Spirit of alertness

Spirit of speed

Spirit of airplanes

Spirit of the media

Spirit of the news

Spirit of the newspaper

Spirit of roads

Spirit of business

Spirit of attraction

Spirit of charm

Spirit of charisma

Spirit of gain

Spirit of persuasion

Spirit of smiling

Spirit of frowning

Spirit of relaxation

Spirit of art

Spirit of fashion

Spirit of music

Spirit of money

Spirit of forewarning

Spirit of dark desires

Spirit of disguises

Spirit of lying

Spirit of chaos magic ideas

Spirit of justice

Spirit of punishment

Spirit of books

Spirit of the mind

Spirit of electricity

Spirit of computer programs

Spirit of gambling games

Spirit of playing card divination

Spirit of Harry potter

Spirit of fruit

Spirit of the grocery store

Spirit of gasoline

Spirit of thieves

Spirit of hurricanes

Spirit of messages

Spirit of dread

Spirit of tracking

Spirit of wars

Spirit of arguments

Spirit of struggles

Spirit of battle

Spirit of gravelings

Spirit of reapers

Spirit of towns

Spirit of cities

Spirit of colleges and universities

Spirit of instigation



List of spirits: 2

Contains duplications of previous list



Spirit of a building

Spirit of a word

Spirit of abnormalities

Spirit of accusations

Spirit of activity

Spirit of advice

Spirit of affliction

Spirit of aggression

Spirit of agitation

Spirit of airplanes

Spirit of alcohol

Spirit of alertness

Spirit of alliances

Spirit of altering perception

Spirit of an event

Spirit of ancient knowledge

Spirit of annoyance

Spirit of arguments

Spirit of art

Spirit of artificial

Spirit of astrology

Spirit of Atlantis

Spirit of attraction

Spirit of battle

Spirit of beginnings

Spirit of blocking

Spirit of books

Spirit of breakdowns

Spirit of breakups

Spirit of burdens

Spirit of business

Spirit of butterfly effect

Spirit of camouflage

Spirit of carelessness

Spirit of cars

Spirit of catastrophe

Spirit of cats

Spirit of caution

Spirit of cemetery

Spirit of censure

Spirit of change

Spirit of chaos

Spirit of chaos magic ideas

Spirit of charisma

Spirit of charm

Spirit of chemicals

Spirit of Christianity

Spirit of church

Spirit of cities

Spirit of cleansing

Spirit of cloning

Spirit of clouds

Spirit of colds

Spirit of colleges and universities

Spirit of computer programs

Spirit of computers

Spirit of concealing

Spirit of conclusions

Spirit of conclusions

Spirit of condemning

Spirit of confidence

Spirit of confinement

Spirit of conflict

Spirit of confusion

Spirit of constraints

Spirit of contamination

Spirit of contempt

Spirit of conversations

Spirit of corruption

Spirit of cracking reality

Spirit of crime

Spirit of crowds

Spirit of crystals

Spirit of dark desires

Spirit of day dreams

Spirit of death

Spirit of decay

Spirit of deception

Spirit of decisions

Spirit of defense

Spirit of delays

Spirit of deleting

Spirit of democrats

Spirit of desire

Spirit of detachment

Spirit of detection

Spirit of detours

Spirit of disappearing

Spirit of disguises

Spirit of disguises

Spirit of disorder

Spirit of disruption

Spirit of disturbances

Spirit of dogs

Spirit of dread

Spirit of drugs

Spirit of duty

Spirit of egos

Spirit of electricity

Spirit of enchantment

Spirit of endings

Spirit of enemies

Spirit of erasing things and objects

Spirit of events

Spirit of extremes

Spirit of failure

Spirit of fantasy

Spirit of fashion

Spirit of fate

Spirit of fears

Spirit of force

Spirit of foreigners

Spirit of forewarning

Spirit of forgetting

Spirit of foundations

Spirit of fright

Spirit of frowning

Spirit of fruit

Spirit of gain

Spirit of gambling games

Spirit of gasoline

Spirit of gematria

Spirit of glamour

Spirit of gossip

Spirit of governments

Spirit of gravelings

Spirit of groups

Spirit of guns

Spirit of habits

Spirit of Harry potter

Spirit of history

Spirit of homework

Spirit of hospitals

Spirit of houses

Spirit of hurricanes

Spirit of ice

Spirit of illusions

Spirit of increase

Spirit of inflation

Spirit of information, knowledge

Spirit of injuries

Spirit of inspiration

Spirit of instigation

Spirit of intensifying

Spirit of interchanges

Spirit of interference

Spirit of intervention

Spirit of interviews

Spirit of justice

Spirit of karma

Spirit of lawyers

Spirit of learning

Spirit of Lemuria

Spirit of lightning

Spirit of limits

Spirit of loss of memory

Spirit of lost information

Spirit of lost objects

Spirit of luck

Spirit of lying

Spirit of machines

Spirit of manipulation

Spirit of medicine

Spirit of meetings

Spirit of memories

Spirit of messages

Spirit of misdirection

Spirit of misunderstandings

Spirit of modification

Spirit of money

Spirit of music

Spirit of nightmares

Spirit of number patterns

Spirit of obscuring the truth

Spirit of obsession

Spirit of obstacles and barriers

Spirit of opportunities

Spirit of opposition

Spirit of order

Spirit of organizations

Spirit of paranoia

Spirit of peace

Spirit of persuasion

Spirit of playing card divination

Spirit of point of view

Spirit of police

Spirit of politics

Spirit of privacy

Spirit of projections

Spirit of publicity

Spirit of punishment

Spirit of rain

Spirit of reapers

Spirit of recovery

Spirit of reflecting issues

Spirit of relatives

Spirit of relaxation

Spirit of religion

Spirit of renewal

Spirit of repression

Spirit of republicans

Spirit of responses

Spirit of restoring

Spirit of restriction

Spirit of rewards

Spirit of ripple effect

Spirit of roads

Spirit of scandals

Spirit of secrets

Spirit of separation

Spirit of sequence

Spirit of shadows

Spirit of shame

Spirit of shock

Spirit of signs, patterns, and manifestations

Spirit of silence

Spirit of sleep

Spirit of smiling

Spirit of snow

Spirit of source of problems

Spirit of speed

Spirit of spells

Spirit of spies

Spirit of stealth

Spirit of stimulation

Spirit of strangeness

Spirit of stress

Spirit of struggles

Spirit of struggles

Spirit of stupidity

Spirit of success

Spirit of support

Spirit of surprises

Spirit of synchronicity

Spirit of tarot cards

Spirit of tarot patterns

Spirit of temptations

Spirit of the fake

Spirit of the grocery store

Spirit of the hidden

Spirit of the invisible or unseen

Spirit of the library of Alexandria

Spirit of the media

Spirit of the military

Spirit of the mind

Spirit of the news

Spirit of the newspaper

Spirit of the night

Spirit of the odd

Spirit of the past

Spirit of the sky

Spirit of the source

Spirit of the underground

Spirit of the unexpected

Spirit of the void

Spirit of the weird

Spirit of the wind

Spirit of thieves

Spirit of threats

Spirit of thunder

Spirit of ties

Spirit of time

Spirit of towns

Spirit of tracking

Spirit of traitors

Spirit of transition

Spirit of treaties

Spirit of trickery

Spirit of triggers

Spirit of troublemakers

Spirit of trust

Spirit of TV shows

Spirit of uneasiness and the disturbing

Spirit of unleashing

Spirit of upheaval

Spirit of vanquishing

Spirit of views

Spirit of virus’s

Spirit of visions

Spirit of wars

Spirit of waste

Spirit of weaknesses

Spirit of wisdom

Spirit of words

Spirit of wormholes

Spirit of worries

Spirit that randomly creates

Spirit that stirs emotions

Spirit that summons the unknown

Spirit to bring to life worst fears

Spirit to see outcome




 By, Serpenta Azothi

Posted by lam777 at 9:58 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 19 July 2007 9:44 PM EDT
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Norse Spell Crafting
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: All Magick


Spell Crafting
General Precepts in Norse Spell Craft


  • State the conditions of the spell in such a way that there isn’t a doubt nor room for backfire.
  • Compare spell with Norse Myth
  • Establishing myth invokes a permanent condition
  • Invoke the sisters of fate by analogy and allegory
  • Using myth with spells evokes the power of divinity
  • Precise calling forth of conditions, no opening for error
  • Repeat spell three times, 3 seconds, 3 minutes, 3 hours, 3 days
  • Be monotonous  when speaking protection spells with repetition
  • Set impossible and redundant tasks on victim, requiring to pass impossible distances, or count uncountable items before being bound, i.e. blooming flowers.
  • Use runes, or signs three times
  • Use three lady spells, Like: Three ladies from the east, or three ladies across the land
  • State spell in third person
  • Do not make flowery spells, its an insult to the them
  • Use lines like:  Bearing hot and fiery brands
  • Speak in present tense
  • Also invocation is a kenning representing them coming
  • Then action of the ladies or something they possess, which involves them being parallel with the process or goal of the spell
  • Need to assume a connection with subtle forces to acknowledge them by starting with three ladies, on the first line of the spell
  • 1st line after declaration of three sisters is the problem
  • 2nd line is the action being done
  • 3rd is outcome being final
  • 3rd, 4th, 5th lines are in a conversation between the sisters
  • 1st- Situation or cause
  • 2nd- Change in condition
  • 3rd- Outcome
  • Write as actions of each sister
  • Recite 1st line with image of connection of the sisters, see three women with each corresponding color capes running or moving
  • Imagine 2nd line as her action
  • 3rd her finishing it
  • The first sister speaks lightly, gives feeling thing will change
  • 2nd louder and with more certainty
  • 3rd declared firm and serious, then fire it
  • Mentally link spell your casting to the event
  • Equate with imagery on an image that represents opponent  or issue
  • When wording spells make sure there isn’t a magical opening that can counter itself
  • The main object, theme, in spell must connect with sisters and their actions visualized
  • Use the object of spell work. Example- A fire spell, use fire
  • As each line is spoken, visualize Norns in the mind doing their actions
  • 1st sister (Issue)-Visualize her as holding the problem
  • 2nd sister (Change)- Visualize her as change
  • 3rd sister (Outcome)-Visualize it final
  • Visualize each sister as a script, fulfilling their jobs


From Norse Charms, Spoken Spells and Rhymes

By,  Thor, and Audrey Sheil


Some by,

Serpenta Azothi

Posted by lam777 at 9:37 PM EDT
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To Age Something Technique
Mood:  bright
Topic: All Magick

Aging Technique

Basically, the first thing you need to know is to believe you can do it. Then you do the following... Take an object and touch with both hands, see that the object is beyond the veil and is nothing, meaning the only existance it has is what you see it as. Then suck within the energy of the object and at the same simultaniously moment let it flow out, and see the
molecules going in and out at the same time. Keep doing this until your eyes feel strong energy, and your hands turn hot, cause they will physically. Do this until you feel its been done, you wont see the changes until a few minutes go by. 
If you dont see a difference within 5 minutes do it again.


But I must say this is very tiring so dont do it during the day. Also I have noticed that the object ages as if it were in the future, and was doing it naturally exept it is going at a very fast rate. You will reverse your own aging doing this, but you must do it in a regular basis everyday. Also, I feel that it is possible to do this with astral matter. So you dont go by destroying all your things, lol! This is the process, and I hope
people learn this, and are able to do it. That is all, and good

Serpenta Azothi


Posted by lam777 at 7:58 PM EDT
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Color Healing
Topic: Healing

Color Healing


Body Parts ruled: head, brain, eyes, face, muscles, pineal gland, genitals, bladder, cervix, anus, genito-urinary tract, prostate gland

Ailments: anything to do with the head. Headache, migraine, sinus problems, head colds, nosebleeds, fever, inflammation, haemorrhage, high blood pressure, eruptions, burns, scalds, insect bites and stings, it is associated with ailments of the reproductive and excretory systems. It occasions deep changes within whatever condition arises, anything hidden or deep.


Body Parts ruled: neck, throat, thyroid gland, larynx, chin, lower jaw, ears, tongue, vocal chords, jugular vein, tonsils, lower back (lumbar region), lumbar nerves, buttocks, kidneys, adrenal glands, blood vessels, skin

Ailments: anything to do with the throat or neck, sore throat, stiff neck, tension, excess weight, under-active thyroid gland, associated with the kidneys and any problems that arise with them, those conditions brought about by excess and over-indulgence, obesity. It is associated with venereal diseases.


Body Parts ruled: hands, fingers, arms, shoulders, upper ribs, lungs, bronchial tracts, trachea, thymus gland, nerves and nervous system, nervous system, intestines, stomach, abdomen, lower dorsal nerves, bowels, nails, spleen

Ailments: those relating to the mental faculty and those associated with the nerves, nervous strain, restlessness especially of the mind, chest and lung complaints, asthma, pleurisy, insomnia, amnesia, anxiety, nervous tension, bowel and digestive system disorders, intestinal disorders, abdominal disorders


Body Parts ruled: breasts, breastbone, stomach, alimentary canal, lower ribs, womb, pancreas

Ailments: stomach and digestive complaints, upset stomach, breast disorders, lymphatic system disorders, obesity


Body Parts ruled: upper back, spine, spleen, heart, aorta, circulation

Ailments: heart problems, hardening of the arteries, high or low blood pressure, spinal and back problems, blood disorders


Body Parts ruled: liver, hips, thighs, arterial system, pelvis, femur (thighbone), feet

Ailments: Jupiter rules the liver and any complaints of it. As Jupiter's main keyword is that of expansion, it governs swellings and things that grow such as tumours and other growths, either malignant or benign. It is also associated with being overweight and over-indulgence in food, alcohol and drugs, addiction to alcohol or drugs, suspension of normal functioning, wasting diseases and general lethargy. Anything that impairs normal functioning or gradual erosion of functions. Immune system problems, fluid retention, hormonal imbalances, chilblains, glandular problems


Body Parts ruled: bones, joints, knees, skin, teeth

Ailments: Saturn rules the skin and bones and by its nature of restriction and generally slowing things down, anything that is degenerative is ruled by it. It produces blockages and is associated with poor growth. Dental problems, skin problems, arthritis


Body Parts ruled: Circulatory system, ankles, Achilles heal, calves, shins, breath, eyesight

Ailments: Circulatory problems, varicose veins, anxiety, muscular spasms, arthritis, palpitations


Posted by lam777 at 5:53 PM EDT
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32 Path Spirit and Angels
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Occult Symbolism

Angels and Spirits Guide

The angels of the 11-32 paths

1.     Kether-Metatron-Air-Aces

2.     Chokmah-Ratzkiel-Water-Twos

3.     Binah-Tzafkiel-Saturn-Threes

4.     Chesed-Tzadkiel-Jupiter-Fours

5.     Geburah-Khamael-Mars-Fives

6.     Tiphareth-Michael,Raphael-Sun-Sixes

7.     Netzach-Haniel-Venus-Sevens

8.     Hod-Michael,Raphael-Mercury-Eights

9.     Yesode-Gabriel-Moon-Nines

10.  Malkuth-Sandalphon-Earth-Tens

11.     Ruachiel- Kether and Chokmah-Fool Card-Air

12.     Mikael-Kether and Binah-Magician Card-Mercury

13.     Gebriel-Kether and Tiphareth-High Priestess Card-Moon

14.     Haniel-Chokmah and Binah-Empress Card-Venus

15.     Melkidael-Chockmah and Tiphareth-The Emperer Card-Aries

16.     Asmodel-Chokmah and Chesed-Hierophant Card-Taurus

17.     Ambriel-Binah and Tiphareth-Lovers Card-Gemini

18.     Moriel- Binah and Geburah-The Chariot-Cancer

19.     Urkiel-Chesed and Geburah-Strength Card-Leo

20.     Hameliel-Chesed and Tiphareth-Hermit Card-Virgo

21.     Tzadqiel- Chokmah and Netzach-Wheel of Fortune Card-Jupiter

22.     Zoriel- Geburah and Tiphareth-Justice Card-Libra

23.     Miel-Geburah and Hod-Hanged Man Card-Water

24.     Berekiel-Tiphareth and Netzach-Death Card-Scorpio

25.     Adukiel-Tiphareth and Yesode-Temperance Card-Sagittarius

26.     Hanel-Tiphareth and Hode-The Devil Card-Capricorn

27.     Kamael- Netzach and Hod-The Tower Card-Mars

28.     Kambriel- Netzach and Yesode-The Star Card-Aquarius

29.     Amnitziel- Netzach and Malkuth- The Moon Card-Pisces

30.     Raphael-Hod and Yesod-The Sun Card-Sun

31.     Ashiel-Hod and Malkuth- Judgment Card-Fire

32.     Tzaphqiel-Yesod and Malkuth- World Card-Saturn

Serpenta Azothi

Posted by lam777 at 5:49 PM EDT
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Link to Spell Blog Collection
Mood:  happy
Topic: Spell Blog Link



Posted by lam777 at 4:59 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 18 July 2007 6:24 PM EDT
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Rune Sabian Symbols
Mood:  bright
Topic: Runes



Use the following method to determine

Take your full birthdate, add the present or future date, and multiply it by what rune your looking for, if more than 360, subtract a full 360.  It will give you the answer. Look up the number in the list that you get.  Enjoy!!!!!



1.      Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



2.      Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


3.      Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


4.      Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


5.      Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


6.      Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


7.      Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


8.      Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


9.      Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

10.  Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


11.  Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


12.  Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


13.  Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


14.  Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


15.  Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


16.  Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


17.  Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


18.  Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


19.  Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

20.  Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


21.  Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


22.  Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


23.  Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


24.  Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties


25.  Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



26.  Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


27.  Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


28.  Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


29.  Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


30.  Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


31.  Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


32.  Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


33.  Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

34.  Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


35.  Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


36.  Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


37.  Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


38.  Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


39.  Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


40.  Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


41.  Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


42.  Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


43.  Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

44.  Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


45.  Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


46.  Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


47.  Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


48.  Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties

49.  Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



50.  Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


51.  Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


52.  Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


53.  Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


54.  Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


55.  Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


56.  Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


57.  Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

58.  Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


59.  Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


60.  Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


61.  Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


62.  Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


63.  Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


64.  Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


65.  Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


66.  Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


67.  Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

68.  Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


69.  Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


70.  Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


71.  Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


72.  Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties

73.  Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



74.  Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


75.  Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


76.  Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


77.  Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


78.  Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


79.  Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


80.  Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


81.  Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

82.  Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


83.  Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


84.  Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


85.  Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


86.  Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


87.  Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


88.  Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


89.  Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


90.  Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


91.  Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

92.  Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


93.  Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


94.  Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


95.  Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


96.  Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties

97.  Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



98.  Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


99.  Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


100.    Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


101.    Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


102.    Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


103.    Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


104.    Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


105.    Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

106.    Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


107.    Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


108.    Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


109.    Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


110.    Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


111.    Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


112.    Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


113.    Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


114.    Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


115.    Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

116.    Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


117.    Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


118.    Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


119.    Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


120.    Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties

121.    Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



122.    Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


123.    Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


124.    Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


125.    Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


126.    Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


127.    Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


128.    Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


129.    Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

130.    Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


131.    Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


132.    Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


133.    Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


134.    Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


135.    Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


136.    Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


137.    Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


138.    Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


139.    Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

140.    Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


141.    Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


142.    Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


143.    Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


144.    Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties

145.    Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



146.    Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


147.    Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


148.    Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


149.    Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


150.    Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


151.    Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


152.    Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


153.    Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

154.    Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


155.    Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


156.    Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


157.    Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


158.    Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


159.    Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


160.    Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


161.    Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


162.    Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


163.    Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

164.    Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


165.    Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


166.    Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


167.    Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


168.    Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties

169.    Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



170.    Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


171.    Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


172.    Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


173.    Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


174.    Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


175.    Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


176.    Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


177.    Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

178.    Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


179.    Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


180.    Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


181.    Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


182.    Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


183.    Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


184.    Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


185.    Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


186.    Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


187.    Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

188.    Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


189.    Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


190.    Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


191.    Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


192.    Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties

193.    Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



194.    Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


195.    Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


196.    Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


197.    Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


198.    Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


199.    Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


200.    Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


201.    Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

202.    Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


203.    Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


204.    Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


205.    Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


206.    Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


207.    Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


208.    Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


209.    Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


210.    Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


211.    Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

212.    Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


213.    Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


214.    Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


215.    Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


216.    Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties

217.    Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



218.    Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


219.    Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


220.    Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


221.    Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


222.    Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


223.    Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


224.    Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


225.    Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

226.    Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


227.    Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


228.    Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


229.    Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


230.    Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


231.    Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


232.    Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


233.    Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


234.    Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


235.    Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

236.    Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


237.    Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


238.    Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


239.    Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


240.    Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties


241.    Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



242.    Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


243.    Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


244.    Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


245.    Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


246.    Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


247.    Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


248.    Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


249.    Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

250.    Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


251.    Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


252.    Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


253.    Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


254.    Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


255.    Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


256.    Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


257.    Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


258.    Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


259.    Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

260.    Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


261.    Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


262.    Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


263.    Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


264.    Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties

265.    Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



266.    Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


267.    Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


268.    Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


269.    Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


270.    Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


271.    Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


272.    Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


273.    Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

274.    Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


275.    Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


276.    Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


277.    Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


278.    Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


279.    Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


280.    Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


281.    Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


282.    Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


283.    Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

284.    Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


285.    Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


286.    Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


287.    Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


288.    Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties

289.    Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



290.    Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


291.    Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


292.    Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


293.    Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


294.    Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


295.    Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


296.    Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


297.    Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

298.    Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


299.    Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


300.    Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


301.    Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


302.    Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


303.    Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


304.    Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


305.    Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


306.    Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


307.    Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

308.    Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


309.    Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


310.    Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


311.    Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


312.    Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties

313.    Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



314.    Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


315.    Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


316.    Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


317.    Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


318.    Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


319.    Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


320.    Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


321.    Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

322.    Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


323.    Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


324.    Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


325.    Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


326.    Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


327.    Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


328.    Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


329.    Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


330.    Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


331.    Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

332.    Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


333.    Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


334.    Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


335.    Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


336.    Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties

337.    Fehu-Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything



338.    Uruz-Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


339.    Thurs-Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


340.    Ansuz-Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


341.    Raidho-To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


342.    Kenaz-To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


343.    Gebo-To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


344.    Wunjo-Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


345.    Hagalaz-To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something

346.    Naudhiz-Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


347.    Isa-Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


348.    Jera-Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


349.    Eihwaz-Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


350.    Perthro-Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


351.    Algiz-Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


352.    Sowlio-Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


353.    Tiwaz-To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


354.    Berkano-Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


355.    Ehwaz-Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,

356.    Mannaz-Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


357.    Laguz-Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


358.    Ingwaz-Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


359.    Dagaz-Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


360.    Othala-Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties



Serpenta Azothi

Posted by lam777 at 12:27 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 12 July 2007 5:05 PM EDT
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