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Thursday, 12 July 2007
Good Websites
Topic: General


Posted by lam777 at 12:11 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 16 August 2007 7:07 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Tree of Life Diagram
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Occult Symbolism






Posted by lam777 at 11:38 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 12 July 2007 12:01 AM EDT
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Tarot Minor Attributes
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Tarot

The Minor Arcana Astrological attributes


1 wands-root of fire

2 wands-Mars in Aries

3 wands-Sun in Aries

4 wands- Venus in Aries

5 wands- Saturn in Leo

6 wands- Jupiter in Leo

7 wands- Mars in Leo

8 wands- Mercury in Sagittarius

9 wands- Moon in Sagittarius

10 wands- Saturn Sagittarius


1 cup- root of water

2 of cups- Venus in Cancer

3 of cups- Mercury in Cancer

4 of cups- Moon in Cancer

5 of cups- Mars in Scorpio

6 cups- Sun in Scorpio

7 cups- Venus in Scorpio

8 cups-Saturn in Pisces

9 cups- Jupiter in Pisces

10 cups- Mars in Pisces


1 swords- root of Air

2 swords- Moon in Libra

3 swords- Saturn in Libra

4 swords- Jupiter in Libra

5 swords-Venus in Aquarius

6 swords- Mercury in Aquarius

7 swords- Moon in Aquarius

8 swords- Jupiter in Gemini

9 swords- Mars in Gemini

10 swords- Sun in Gemini


1 coins- Root of earth

2 coins- Jupiter in Capricorn

3 coins- Mars in Capricorn

4 coins-Sun in Capricorn

5 coins- Mercury in Taurus

6 coins- Moon in Taurus

7 coins- Saturn in Taurus

8 coins- Sun in Virgo

9 coins- Venus in Virgo

10 coins- Mercury in Virgo


By: Serpenta Azothi and Crowley's method

Posted by lam777 at 10:19 PM EDT
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Tarot Minors Crowely's extra meanings
Mood:  cool
Topic: Tarot

Crowley’s Notes of The Minor Arcana



1)      The source of all (Wands)

2)      The wrath of the lamb, the wisdom and the son of god

3)      The slain lamb re-arisen in the temple of the living god

4)      The bride of the lamb presented to the almighty father

5)      The terror of the beast, his fury of lust

6)      The father has sent forth the beast to set up the abomination of desolation

7)      The wrath of the beast maketh men to be mad

8)      The sign of the bow in the cloud redeeming energy

9)      The promise of the rainbow-“ye shall do you pleasure upon earth as men and women for ever and for ever

10)  The promise of the rainbow-“ye shall do you pleasure upon earth as men and women for ever and for ever


1)      Root of water (Cups)

2)      Babalon in the chariot of chaos bearing the grail

3)      The charioteer of the grail set out from the city of the pyramids

4)      The blood of the saints offered to the father in the grail

5)      The wrath of the great dragon that girdleth the grail in his fury

6)      The glory of the great dragon set up in the temple of the grail

7)      The love feast of the great dragon and of Babalon our lady

8)      The terror of the darkness of the pylon of the temple of the grail

9)      The father mastereth the candidate in the darkness of that temple

10)  The wrath of night upon the earth- shadow of the grail


1)      Root of air (Swords)

2)      The balanced imagination is wisdom, a sword of god

3)      Brotherhood in arms is beloved of the mother

4)      The father holdeth the balance, ruling the war

5)      Babalon purifieth and giveth hope to them that war

6)      Reason purifeth the temple during war

7)      Imagination purifeth the hearts of the warriors

8)      The father sends forth horus and harpocrates to war

9)      The wrath of the twins at the frontier of the abyss

10)   The triumph of the twins, their warrior rule upon the earth(millennium)


1)      Root of earth (Pentacles)

2)      The lust of the goat is the wisdom of god upon earth

3)      The wrath of god against the women of the earth

4)      The triumph of the goat his glory upon the earth

5)      The mind of labor the affliction of the earth

6)      The imagination in labor the glory of earth

7)      Age ending labor, the repose of earth

8)      The triumph of the virgin hermaphrodite upon the earth

9)      Babalon prostituteth the virgin to the lust of the earth

10)   Reason is cast out by the virgin from the dwellers of the earth


From Via Tarot

The Path of Life

Susan Jameson, John Bonner

Posted by lam777 at 10:11 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 July 2007 10:18 PM EDT
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Rune Guide
Mood:  spacey
Topic: Runes

Rune Magick Guide




NOTE: All below is in my own words, but all come from up to 3 sources. There is no copyright infringement, just the ideas in my own words.  The following is where they came from:  Thor and Audrey Sheil, Futhark The Rune Magick Handbook, by Eldred Thorrson, and Taking Up the Runes, by Diana L. Paxson.


1-Fehu- Fertility in any form, abundance in any form, wealth in anything not just money, to produce or create something, growth in anything, attracting anything, love issues, to bring productivity in something, fiery energy, to spice up something, the life force of anything


1-Fehu- movement, expansion, creating or destroying, built up issues moving forward, fertile issues for good or ill, money and luck, transferring things to others, things coming


1-Fehu- Attracts money, and healing energy, energy catalyst, new beginnings, and expansion, attracts anything, cattle, assets, followers, goods


Herbs- Basil, chili powder, coriander, garlic, mustard, onion, oregano, peppers, radish, rosemary, thyme,



2-Uruz- Shaping anything into existence, creating anything, manifestation, reshaping energies to a new form, patterns creating, nourishment, increase energy and health, breaking down for anew, defense, transformations, to preserve something, strength, change, used with other runes to manifest intent


2-Uruz- manifestation of anything, daily patterns effecting you, formation of anything, beginnings, wisdom, knowledge, good health, strength, understanding anything,


2-Uruz- Defense, healing, and strength, power of ice, glaciers, purifies, weather magick, independence, wildness, stability


Herbs- Balm of Gilead, beans, cumin, lemongrass, mint, mugwort, mushrooms, sage, vervain,


3-Thurs- Potency and raw power, project anything, strength, defense, attack anything, create thunderstorms, weather working, to protect, a force that destroys or heals, empower spells or runes, psychological issues, increase energy, destructive, a catalyst like energy, forces of nature


3-Thurs- Destructive issues or events, need for defense, protection, sudden shock or surprise, strength, life and death, regenerating forces, breaking down barriers for the new


3-Thurs-  Curses, destruction, and protection, force of opposition and chaos, negative balance, shadows, fire, easily backfires, war rune, cause fear and panic, with Isa rune, gives protection, giants, pain, harm, hostility, motivation, explosion


Herbs- Basil, chili powder, coriander, garlic, mustard, onion, oregano, peppers, radish, rosemary,


4-Ansuz- Messages and communication, inspiration, help with runic incantations, books, creativity, find information and knowledge, help learn magic, transmission of anything, sources from the past, wisdom, advice, learning, teachers, spiritual power, word magick, understanding runes better, the mind


4-Ansuz- creation of anything, receiving knowledge or issues, religion, spirituality, wisdom, writing, magick, inspiration, linking with the gods, bring life to something


4-Ansuz-  Wisdom, invisibility, helps with messages, curses, occult knowledge, air element, Odins rune, intelligence, writing, healing, a god, inspiration, blessings, good fortune, magick


Herbs-  Caraway, dill, ferns, fennel, flax, lavender, marjoram, parsley, valerian


5-Raidho- To bring movement on anything, travel, containment and movement, cycles, the vehicle and its pathway, the way people think, transmission of anything, going the correct direction, control the path something goes, issues with organizations, protect while traveling, change in direction


5-Raido- travel, movement, advice and judgment, rituals, paths in life, channel of force, cause and effect, rhythm, going with the flow, development, religious tenants


5-Raido-  Helps control situations, makes things move forward, makes things go, act of motion, controls anything, direction, fire element, travel, beginnings, new projects, legal issues, wagon, communication, messages


Herbs-  Agrimony, alfalfa, arrowroot, balm of Gilead, carnation, cloves, dandelions, myrrh, nutmeg, sage, sandalwood


6-Kenaz- To illuminate something you cant see, to light the way, enlightenment, creativity, dissolution for the new, purification, transformation of anything, to reform something, sex, good health and stamina, healing, destructive, disintegration, illuminate hidden causes, to cause clarity


6-Kenaz- Regenerating anything, creation, sacrifice, the will towards a goal, fiery tempers, humankind, knowledge, seeing what’s unseen, lust, sexual love


6-Kenaz-  Astral travel, protection, and uncovering secrets, divine torch, clarity of thought,  insight, teaching, love, war, expose what’s hidden, banishing, witchcraft powers, torch, knowledge, guidance, a beacon, lighthouse, learning,


Herbs-  Alum, Barley, bistort, myrrh, potato, Solomon’s seal


7-Gebo- To exchange anything, to receive or give, gifts of anything, receiving power, telepathy, marriage issues, to spread something, balance, interacting with others or entities, to have agreements, relationships, contracts, link to other forces, connecting people or things


7-Gebo- receiving gifts, giving others anything, being generous, the root of a force, knowledge, ecstasy, sex, transferring anything, magical forces, marriage, unions


7-Gebo-  Balance and partnership, sharing feelings, exchanges anything, air, moves quickly, honor, gifts, trading, agreement, sex, blending


Herbs-  Chamomile, cinnamon, frankincense, rice, rosemary, rue


8-Wunjo- Joy, bliss, to be happy, connections, binding, union, to perfect something, banish sorrow and despair, security issues, safety, to increase good health, healing emotional issues, strengthens immune system, the wish rune, success in relationships, good luck, governs bind-runes


8-Wunjo- joy, pleasure, attraction, friendship, harmony, wellbeing, binding issues, a group or organization, working together, links and bonds, banish alienation


8-Wunjo-  Happiness, fertility, wishes, joy, pleasure, blessings, gifts, perfection, light, faithful, fruitful, good outcomes, harmony, unity, ecstasy


Herbs- Barley, chamomile, oats, rue, sage, cinnamon, frankincense, rice, rosemary


9-Hagalaz- To seed an issue, the gestation of something, change anything, shaping, the past and its issues, destroy anything, renew issues, disrupt something, to bring blight, protective, rune of disaster, bring down fevers, setbacks beyond your control, new beginnings, to act on something


9-Hagalaz- the gestation of an issue, the framework of events, potential power, harmony, endings with a greater beginning, evolving, protection, banishing, security


Hagalaz-  Causes change, creates confusion in others, helps fight psychic attacks, seed of ice, liberation through drastic means, disruptive, protection from storms, turns peoples past against them, hail, bad weather, accidents, sudden change, scattering (URD)


Herbs-  Allspice, Anise,  Frankincense, Myrrh, wisteria


10-Naudhiz- Distressing issues, to bring restriction, counter effects of repercussions, the rune of the Norns, needs, shrinking anything, time issues, overcome trials and problems, gives strength, lessen stress, cause obsession, protection, to rid blocks, banishing, counter spells, to seal an issue, changes and omens


10-Naudhiz- needs, distress, need for relief, resisting things, direction of action, knowledge and wisdom, health or emotional issues, need for order, love issues


10-Nauthiz-  Stress reliever, inspiration, war rune, stop and deflect negative spells or issues, warnings, need, distress, binding, constriction, poverty, pressure (SKULD)


Herbs- Alum, Barley, bistort, myrrh, potato, Solomon’s seal


11-Isa- Freeze anything, to prevent things from happening, stop something, halt movement, stillness, shielding, strength, to preserve something, protection, cool issues, stop disruptive and destructive events, bind forces, stops confusion, numbs pain, stagnation, cool weather


11-Isa- suspension, lack of movement, things not going forward, issues freezing,

Blockages, apathy, feeling stuck, restriction, issues disappearing, stopping a force


11-Isa-  Freeze situations and others actions, stops growth, freeze activity for 3 months, ice, negate disruption, restrictive and destructive, blockages, treachery, standstill, coldness (VERDANI)


Herbs- Anise, cabbage, ginger, jasmine, moonwort, Mugwort, poppy, white rose, sesame,


12-Jera- Cycles, creating patterns, timing, cause and effect, growth and reaping, return and rebirth, rebirth with issues, transformation and balance, changes, adjusting the temperature of an issue, to cool or heat and issue, energize issues, flow of energy, guidance on timing of rituals


12-Jera- patterns in your life, things coming or going, cycles, major turning points, rewards, luck, fruition of efforts, life changes, peace, good timing


12-Jera-  Makes spells work faster, cycles, rewards, gentle flow, smooth, friendly, timing in magick, speed or slow things, change that lasts, Year, harvest, expansion, abundance, payment, a field


Herbs- Agrimony, alfalfa, arrowroot, balm of Gilead, carnation, cloves, dandelions, myrrh, nutmeg, sage, sandalwood


13-Eihwaz- Death, spirits, the dead, link between the worlds, graveyards, transforming magick energy, to suspend something, transfer energies, defense against evil and danger, clearly see a target, astral travel, movement from one thing to another, root of issue, connections, outcome, backbone for bind-runes, messages between the worlds, warding, shielding,


13-Eihwaz- Death issues, birth, endure situations, giving life to an issue, sustaining, protection, banishing, communicating with others, memories evoked


13-Eihwaz-  Helps to find anything you need, eternity, no time, go for it, death spells, ghosts, the dead, hunts for anything, to find what’s lost, searches and research, yew tree, rebound, flexibility, darkness, nightmares


Herbs- Acacia, basil, broom, carrots, cayenne pepper, chives, coriander, cumin, garlic, mustard, oats, oregano, patchouli, peppers, wormwood


14-Perthro- Divination, synchronicity, cause and effect, becoming anything, change, memories, fate and destiny, psychic awareness, find what’s hidden, the unknown, mysteries, runes source, transformation, motherhood, women, random issues, risks, find hidden knowledge of the runes themselves, birth and labor


14-Perth- Used for past life regression, psychic energies, and children, secrets and hidden knowledge, weaves fate by the Norns, contacting the Norns, discovery, past lives, contact folk soul, divination, psychic abilities, great changes, a well, fate, cave, destiny, pregnancy, cauldron


Herbs- Alum, Barley, bistort, myrrh, potato, Solomon’s seal


15-Algiz- Protection of anything, spirit guide connections, ward dangers, to be safe, connection of anything, link to nature and divine, to connect with animals, awaken suppressed personality traits, new influences, sacrifice for greater good, warnings, repel attack, used against evil spirits or demons,


15-Algiz- protection, defense, gives people power, victory, sanctuary, safety, enclosures, two issues at once, passages, awareness, connections with divinity, strength


15-Algiz-  Protection, Shielding, powerful conductor, reverse repercussions, elk, antlers, animals, hunting, hallowing, regal like


Herbs-  Agrimony, betony, cucumber, daisy, jasmine, mugwort


16-Sowlio- Chakra aligning, success and victory, sudden shock, light that illuminates, lighting the way, shining upon an issue, heating up a situation, destroys evil, invincibility, the will, attack and defense, activity and action, transforms situations, clarify something, hope, to achieve something, luck, healing


Sowilo-  Inspiration, and healing, the sun, strikes suddenly to see if your being blinded and need to wake up, strikes suddenly, Sun, victory, warmth, success, triumph,


Herbs- Chamomile, cinnamon, frankincense, rice, rosemary, rue



17-Tiwaz- To bring justice, war issues, to attack someone, or be attacked, combat, cosmic order, upholding the law, the law, legal issues, rights, to obtain victory, to find truth, the will to succeed, strength of will, conflicts, political problems, energy to a goal or purpose, international tension, courage and determination


17-Tiwaz-  Justice, bravery, courage, honor, dedication, bravery in difficult situations, legal issues, war god, battle, conquest, victory, winning competitions


Herbs-  Balm of Gilead, gardenia, geranium, ground ivy, lemongrass, mint, sage, strawberry, vervain, yarrow


18-Berkano- Nature, the earth, growth, birth and death, rites of passages, nourishing issues, mothers and children, trees, protection, transformations, women in general, healing and health, to bring an issue to life, hides rune activities, hidden transformation and growth, menstrual problems, rebirth, pain relieving


18-Berkano- manifestation, birth, rebirth, rights of passage, death, earth issues, nature and love of it, peace, fertility, replenishment, evolving, becoming/being, conceals, secrets


18-Berkano-  Children and mothers, emotional help, security, rune of the mystery of the sisters, maternal, growth, Birch, goddess, renewal, rebirth, women, wife


Herbs-  bay, fennel, lavender, marjoram, oats, parsley, rye,


19-Ehwaz- Partners, marriage, friendship, dual power for a goal, astral journeys, transcendence, power of the body, cooperation, adjusting issues, communicating between the worlds, movement of something, change, travel, development of something, change an issue, protective, teamwork, seeing the future,


19-Ehwaz-  Can make others break apart, or come together, a control rune, war horse, flows and adjusts to new issues or problems, bringing people together or apart, create links, Horse, journey, process, transformation, loyalty, dignity


Herbs-   bay, caraway, cinquefoil, fennel, lavender, marjoram, parsley, vervain


20-Mannaz- Everyday human issues, makeup of a human, to bring potential, intelligence and knowledge, instincts, the mind, thought and memory, society issues, culture, tribal like groups, identity, purpose to find, collective unconscious, race memory, self realization, mental workings, strengthen intelligence and memory, psychic awakening


20-Mannaz-  Bring cooperation between others, usually in a legal context, people rune, intellectual edge over someone, mankind, self identity, strength, weakness, humanity, used with Perth and Eihwaz it contacts the dead


Herbs-  Agrimony, alfalfa, arrowroot, balm of Gilead, carnation, cloves, dandelions, myrrh, nutmeg, sage, sandalwood


21-Laguz- Source of life force, the unknown, psychic abilities, purity or tainted issues, protect from danger, transitions, dream walking, women issues, travel by water, water, emotions, fertility of anything, the astral realm, conception of something, birth, psychic protection, rune that grants other runes to work in secret, relieve menstrual cramps, dissolves anything


21-Laguz- emotional issues, psychic issues, laws of everyday life, initiations, death, travel by water, spiritual and physical fertility, growth, life force, the dead, magnetism


21-Laguz-  Connect to others minds, send thoughts, search through them, and entering others dreams, flow and sorcery, gain access to some-ones mind, facilitate mutual feelings, water, helps with visualization, dream walking, lake, leek, healing, mystery, sea water, emotions, depths


Herbs-  Anise, cabbage, duckweed, ginger, jasmine, mugwort, orris root, white rose, wintergreen


22-Ingwaz- Storage of energy, seed of an issue, withdrawal from something, transformation and return, unconscious activities, gestation of an issue, male fertility, male issues, fertilizes anything, active power and potential power, earth issues, plants, birth and death, natural cycle, sexual union, new beginnings, completion, transition, relief from distress, love, sexuality


22-Inguz-  A way to get into the astral, and fertility magick, magic circles, strong foundations, room to grow, portals and doorways, Frey, good luck, protection, man, husband, well being


Herbs-  Balm of Gilead, blackberry, catnip, cumin, gardenia, heather, lemongrass, mugwort, mushrooms, red rose, sage, strawberry, thyme, vervain, yarrow


23-Dagaz- Daylight, dawn and twilight, to awaken anything, hope and happiness, illumination, being one with everything, transformation, time, great change, the end and new beginnings, catalyzes change without altering its nature, transmutation, initiation, spiritual enlightenment, to see past facades, clarity, transforms other runes, to make things invisible, see the truth


23-Dagaz- illuminate issues, awakening, seeing past the façade, day and night, to be in synch with life or anything, balance, revelations, revealing the truth


23-Daguz-  Makes things invisible, and yourself too, creates change, breakthroughs of exciting proportions, end of a cycle or era, promise of new beginnings, catalyst rune, light and transformation, to protect and hide things in astral, daytime, exposure, revelation, light, safety, clarity,


Herbs- Agrimony, alfalfa, arrowroot, balm of Gilead, carnation, cloves, dandelions, myrrh, nutmeg, sage, sandalwood


24-Othala- Family issues, the home, kinship, balance from chaos and order, safety, protective enclosures, prosperity in the home, spiritual friends and family, descendants, and ancestors, boundaries, genes and DNA, inheritance, legacies, contains power of all runes, land and property, protective circle, folk soul, roots you have, spiritual groups and religion, cultures, inner natures, family ties


24-Othala-  Helps center issues with yourself or others, Helps with bringing family's together, working with ancestors, heritage, ancestors powers, family issues, access to folk mind, sense of togetherness, grounding and centering, home, land, houses, permanence, possession, the past


Herbs-  Anise, cabbage, duckweed, ginger, jasmine, mugwort, orris root, white rose, wintergreen

Posted by lam777 at 8:52 PM EDT
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Topic: General

Serpenta Azothi/Christine Giacchino's Site

Posted by lam777 at 7:27 PM EDT
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