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Thursday, 12 July 2007
Dragon Guide
Mood:  loud

~Dragon Guide~



“Dragons of the Elements




Air-Mind magick, mental fascinations, wind and weather magick

Thought forms, telepathy, truth magick


Fire-Creating beings to life, force behind a spell, change, action, fears, lightening and harmful fire, truth magick


Water-Psy-magick, psychic powers, emotions and empathy, visions and or premonitions, prophecy, channeling, threatening rain storms


Earth- manifestations temporal/astral, time magick, the seed to create life, fertility, Faery magicks, nature magicks, tree power etc.


Dragons of light-Becoming one with all of the universe in and out, truth magick, spiritual oneness and attainment, creation of anything, wish magick, guide of psychic power developmentally, karma balancing


Dragons of the Darkness-Astrological help, banishing negative magick or situations/events, repelling evil and dark powers, protection, seeking the truth in the darkness, manipulating psychic transmissions from evil beings to create a more positive situation


Dragons of the Seas and Various Waters-emotional control magick, directing course of magick through a balanced pathway to have a more calm outcome, or if more serious issue, to get past waves of a rocky nature, breaking barriers that are emotional and psychic in nature.  Magic to get out of emotional controlling relationships to find peace and calm in the long run, dissolution of dangerous events, glamour, illusions


Dragons of the Mountains and Forests-Long lasting issues, long range goals, magical endurance, physical strength in dire situations, manifestations, nature magicks, powers of the trees, protective magick, especially of nature,


Dragons of Wind Storm and Weather-Controlling weather, movement of magick spells and concerns, desires, creative inspirations, sharpening the mind, muse like inspirations, forward movement and ridding of obstacles be it magical, emotional, psychic, or mental. Mind manipulation fascinations, glamour, illusions, trickery and confusion


Dragons of Desert and Arid Regions-Prosperity magick, prosperity in the range from mental, physical, psychic, magical, emotional, manifestations on a grand or pretty large scale, dries up situations that are negative, removes obstacles by drying up parts of enemies magical reserve or mundane in anyway they choose


Dragons of Fire and Volcanoes-Destructive magick when needed for a serious magical or mundane situation, burns enemies motives to ashes, removes obstacles with great force, if not used properly the dragons will find any path possible to get your final outcome, expect it to be grand, domino effects ripples through events spreads like burning wrath to outcome, removes obstacles and barriers


Dragons of Chaos and Destruction- Dissolves problems and sweep away negative and troublesome people, or astral beings, create mega changes through destroying the old for the new, chaotic thoughts induced in an enemy, They will aid you in anything in a big way, drives past your view of the situation or people and go straight to the heart of the issue/event/person etc.  Be it magical or mundane, recreates lives for the better or the worse, also situations events, etc. Breaks all sorts of barriers, vast changes, reversals of fortune good or bane, past life issues, divination, confining others that harm you or situations, events, chaotic forces that sweep away your very consciousness, release of former and recreates a new one, letting go of the past and dealing with pain and sorrow

“Zodiac Dragons”

Energetic, impatient, short tempered, sarcastic, witty, lucky, demanding, cutting, egocentric, adventuresome, feisty

Patient, loyal, emotionally stable, stubborn, practical, dependable, organized, materialistic, possessive, plodding, sweet, calm, determined, secure

Versatile, fickle, curious, high strung, flirty, changeable, anxious, petty, superficial, and communicative

Caring, nurturing, moody, clinging, dependent, lazy, retentive memory, receptive, changeable, sensitive, pack rat, emotional, over protective money oriented, messy

Positive, optimistic, warm, dogmatic, organizational, hardworking, persistent, dramatic, colorful, generous, arrogant, inspiring, performer

Neat, fussy, conservative, efficient, studious, retiring, worrier, practical, logical, dependable, analytical, workaholic

Refined, diplomatic, vacillating, vain, social, just, artistic, gentle, tactful, gracious, peace loving

Secretive, intelligent, psychic, manipulative, passionate, stubborn, well organized, deceitful, resourceful, vindictive, tenacious, methodical

Outspoken, freedom loving, independent, warm, outgoing, spiritually oriented, opportunist, inspiring

Rigid, practical, loner, managerial, persistent, opinionated, sarcastic sense of humor, prudent, efficient, miserly, cold, pessimistic, patient, Ambitious, ruthless

Perceptive, temperamental, organized, erratic, cool, detached, ingenious, goal oriented, insightful, outgoing, unconventional, self expressive

Refined, shrewd, impractical, nagging, unstable, co artist, impressionable, compassionate, escapist or drifter, paranoiac, dreamer, intuitive

“Planetary Dragons”

Health, healing, confidence, hope, prosperity, money, success, promotion, friendship, alerts nature, power of the elements, manifestation, weaknesses and fears

Travel, visions, divination, dreams, magick, love, home, medicine, luck, birth, time, theft, emotions, gateway of psychic powers and realms, lost things and people

Intellect, memory, creativity, predictions, speed, speech, writing, poetry, inspiration, improvement of mind power, message of wisdom, ancient travel, trickster, communication telepathically or speech, divination

Love, marriage, friendship, pleasure, beauty, artistic abilities, imagination, fertility, sex, children, money, crystal magick, detect evil in area

Energy, courage, conflict, death, physical strength, opposition, defense, endurance

Honor, riches, health, friendships, the hearts desires, luck, religion, employment, legal matters, past life memories all lives will and had, truth, pets, transfiguration

Knowledge, familiars, death, reincarnation, binding, overcoming curses, protection, retribution, responsibilities, banish, karma, manifestations, time manipulation, prisons, make place unscryable and untraceable from outside sources




D.J. Conway

Posted by lam777 at 10:38 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 12 July 2007 10:41 PM EDT
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