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Saturday, 14 July 2007
Tarot Spell Correspondences
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Tarot

Tarot Spell Correspondences



Banishing Spells

Cards you would use:

Death (primary banishment card)
Ace of Swords (Helps release)
Ten of Swords (The final card used in banishment)

Extra items to add to the spell:

Candle color: Black
Herb type: Cloves
Stone: Hematite
Rune: Thurisaz
God/dess: Hecate

Binding Spells

Cards you may need:

The Devil (This is the only card for binding)
The Chariot (Used to direct the binding spell)
A significator (Used for a particular person to be bound)

Extra items to be added to the spell

Candle color: Black
Herb: Garden Nightshade
Stone: Black Onyx
Rune: Raido
God/dess: Hecate

Communication Spells

Empress (Primary communication card)
Three of Coins (used only if concerning health and or money)
Ace of Wands (used to push the communication forward)

Extra items to add to the spell:

Candle color: Yellow
Herb: Dandelion
Stone: Quartz Crystal
Rune: Gebo, Laguz
God/dess: Hermes

Dream Spells

The Moon (Main dream card)
The Magician (used for being more aware)
The High Priestess (used for prophecy with dreams)
Six of Cups (used to learn how to remember dreams better)

Extra items to add to the spell

Candle color: Blue,
Herb: Rosemary
Stone: Opal-used for dreaming of past lives, Red Jasper-recalling dreams
Rune: Laguz
God/dess: Morpheous

Emotion Spells

Cards needed:

Nine of Swords (This card represents depression)
Eight of Cups (Helps to release depression)
Four of Cups (Releases negative emotions)
Temperance (Used to keep harmony, and also to purify emotions)
The Fool (The freedom card, to be free of depression, negative emotions and such)

Extra items to add to the spell

Candle color: Blue
Herb: Chamomile
Stone: Unakite, or Opal
Rune: Wunjo
God/dess: Selene


Spells for Friendship

Cards you may need:

The Star (Main card of friendship)
The Chariot (initializes spell) or
Eight of Wands (forward movement of making friends)
Three of Cups (Card to have a gathering of friends)

Extra items to add to the spell:

Candle color: Pink
Herb: Sun Flower
Stone: Rose Quartz
Rune: Ehwaz
God/dess: Hathor

Glamour Spells

Cards you may need:

Significator card (Card that represents you)
Seven of Cups (Used to caste a glamour, to change your looks, etc…)
Strength (Used to attract a certain image)
Six of Wands (Optional card to use meaning, to control the will)

Extra items to add to the spell:

Candle color: Silver
Herb: Mix just Caraway and Thyme
Stone: Amethyst
Rune: Laguz
God/dess: Epona

Healing Spells

Cards you may need:

The Sun (Main card for health)
Four of Wands (To help prolong good health)
Seven of Coins (To maintain health)
Ten of Coins (To be healthy in the end)


Extra items to add to the spell

Candle color: Green or blue
Herb: Garlic
Stone: Carnelian
Rune: Uruz
God/dess: Isis

Inspiration Spells

Cards you may need:

The Tower (Main card for inspiration)
The Empress (A card to enhance inspiration through creativity)
Ace of Wands (To initialize)

Extra items to add to the spell

Candle color: Blue
Herb: Lavender
Stone: Amethyst
Rune: Sowilo
God/dess: The Muses

Justice Spells

Cards you may need:

Justice (Main card for Justice)
Eight of Wands (Overcoming obstacles)
Ten of Wands (Positively ending someone's bane with justice)

Extra items to add to the spell

Candle color: Black
Herb: Garden Nightshade
Stone: Onyx
Rune: Tiwaz
God/dess: Maat




Karma Spells (return bad energy to the source of it)

Cards you may need:

Hierophant (Main karma card)
Strength (Used to repel magick)
Devil (Used to release the negativity)
Chariot (Used to direct the energy)
Death (Banishes and ends evil)
Optional: Significator card for intended person

Extra items to add to the spell

Candle colors: Indigo
Herb: Marigold
Stone: Red Jasper
Rune: Tiwaz
God/dess: Nemesis

Love Spells

Cards you may need:

The Lovers (Main card of the love concept)
Ace of Cups (To have a new lover)
Two of Cups (To get married, or to become engaged)
Ten of Cups (To be happy with a new lover, or current one)
Five of Cups (To represent a torn relationship)
Eight of Cups (To leave behind a lover, and deal with it)
Two significators (yourself and the intended, or someone in general, not known that would be good for you.)

Extra items to add to the spell

Candle color: Pink, or red (red is more sexual)
Herb: Ginger
Stone: Rose Quartz
Rune: Ehwaz
God/dess: Venus




Money Spells

Cards you may need:

Ace of Coins (Used to have new beginnings with money)
Two of Coins (To receive money from others, gifts)
Four of Coins (Money to buy a house or some property)
Five of Coins (Used to show a situation with no money, being desperate)
Eight of Coins (A push to make money)
Ten of Coins (Used to be financially happy)

Extra items to add to the spell

Candle color: Green
Herb: Basil
Stone: Malachite
Rune: Fehu
God/dess: Ops

Past lives Recall Spells

Cards you may need:

The Hierophant (To find your spirit guide to recall past lives)
The High Priestess (Using your intuition to aid to the discovery)
The Magician (Used to be in conjunction with the hierophant to be aware of your spirit guide, and your visions in which you seek)

Extra items to use with the spell

Candle Color: Purple
Herb: Bay Leaf
Stone: Opal
Rune: Perth
God/dess: Arianrhod

Protection Spells

Cards you may need

Nine of Wands (General protection)
Four of Wands (To have the protection last)
Five of Coins ( To be used to show a situation of homelessness, lack of money, and job, and used in conjunction with the Nine of Wands)
Three of Swords (To show a situation of betrayal and cheating, conflicts and love triangles)
Five of Swords (To show a situation of losing friends, and unstable behavior from others)
Seven of Swords (To show a situation of lies, difficulties in relationships, and basic trouble)

Extra items to use in the spell

Candle color: White, and blue
Herb: Anise
Stone: Snowflake Obsidian
Rune: Algiz
God/dess: Hecate

Psychic Spells

Cards you may need:

The Hierophant (Basic card of psychic abilities, used as a starter to your spell)
The High Priestess (To gain secret knowledge, to enter the subconscious, and to heighten your intuition)
The Hermit (Used for spiritual quests, unlocking doorways to the astral)
The Moon (Reaching out to the unknown making it known)
The Chariot (Astral traveling)
Judgement (To find the truth using psychic means, use with other cards)

Extra items to add to the spell

Candle colors: Purple
Herb: Thyme
Stone: Amethyst
Rune: Perth
God/dess: Odin

Discovering Secrets Spells

Cards you may use:

The High Priestess (Main card used to uncover secrets)
The Sun (Card to find out if the secrets are true)
Judgement (Same as above)
Six of Wands (Using your power to direct the way to find out what the secret is)
Seven of Wands (Used to help move forward your will to the outcome)

Extra items to add to the spell
None known to me.

Study Spells

Cards you may need:

The Sun (Used to help achieve your goal)
Three of Wands (To mentally grow while studying)
Eight of Wands (Used to overcome obstacles during study)
Nine of Cups (Helps add some self-confidence)

Extra items to add to the spell

Candle color: Yellow
Herb: Caraway
Stone: Use all of the following: Desert rose, Hematite, Tigers eye
Rune: Gebo
God/dess: Cerridwen

Truth Spells

Cards you may need:

The Sun (Used to find the truth)
The Emperor (More aggressive way to find the truth)
The Devil (Used to find the truth)
The Star (Used to find the truth)
The Chariot (Is used to propel the energy to finding the truth)
Seven of Swords (This represents the lie if any regarding the search for the truth)
Eight of Wands (To overcome anything in the way to find the truth)
The World (Represents the outcome of successfully finding the truth)

Extra items to add to spell

Candle color: Blue
Herb: None known
Stone: Tigers Eye
Rune: Kenaz
God/dess: Maat

Wish Spells

Cards you may use:

Nine of Cups (This card is the only one used for wishes)
Ace of Wands (Energy used to send out the wish)

Extra items to use in the spell
Candle color: White with purple, (purple makes the wish manifest quicker)
Herb: Ginseng
Stone: Geodes
Rune: None
God/dess: None

Posted by lam777 at 10:05 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 14 July 2007 10:08 PM EDT
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