
Magical Creatures Attributes
Sin-you: Detect lying, justice
Winged Sea Unicorn: Control over emotional situations which
could lead to upheavel and negativity
Pegasus: Eloquence, visiting deceased souls
Sleipner: Escaping danger, coming to terms with death
Alsvidr/Arvakr: Keeping cool over stress and pressure
Sileni: To learn past or present, destiny
Jack in the green: Protect woodlands, trees, oak trees, protect wild animals
Firebird: Defeats evil and controlling people
Ruhk: Protection
Hraesvelg: Creating and controlling storms, underworld
Imdugud: Controlling rainstorms, whirlwinds, sandstorms
White Eagle of Zeus: Important messages from the gods, moving to different dimensions, telepathy,
communication with deity and spirit guides
Garuda: Healing, delivering punishment for evil people
Harpies: Wind, storms, thunder and lightning
Sirens: Singing, love spells
Hippogrif: Ride between worlds
Senmurv: Access to other worlds and magical working
Simurg: Curing all diseases, banishing evil, prophetic and magical powers, wisdom, healing,
communication between this world and another
Minotaur: Supernatural strength, protection
Winged Bull: Extremely powerful, spell working, magick, language, telepathy, psychic powers,
against evil
Akeru: Looking back through time to learn from mistakes made from past lives.
Chimera: To hide fear or anxiety from others, use as last resort
Man-Lion: Defense for religious persecution or harrasment
Sea-Lion: Defense against people who play games with your emotions or mind
Achelous: Oaths, contracts, promises
Horned snake: Cure any illnesses
Nagas; When faced with calamity or hard problems
Rainbow serpant: Rain magick
Serpants of Sheba: Moon magick, working with intense goddess energy
Zaltys: Divine watch dog, prosperity and good luck
Black dog: Bad omen, divine justice on those who escaped punishment
Cerberus: Contact specific departed souls for information and help
Fenris: Harness destructive forces to rid of destructive forces that are
destroying your life
Dogs of the wild hunt: Hunting breakers of spiritual laws, rescue from danger
Benvarrey: Not allowing extreme emotions to be bottled up
Bunyips: Rain
The Lorelei: Learning magical secrets, searching for ancient spiritual knowledge
Melusine: Visions of coming disasters, prosperity, warning of disasters or death
Mer-people(Mermaids, Mermen): Strong protectors especially women, wishes
Merrow: Predicting storms, rain
Nixies: Love spells
Basalisk: Uncovering ancient spiritual secrets
Gargoyle: Protection, guarding, companionship, removing negative events or people
from your life, developing psychic powers, past lives, discovering true purpose in
life, ancient knowledge and teachings
Domovoy: Tarot, rune predictions
Dwarfs: Crystal and gem magick
Elves: Foretelling, herbs, woods, streams, astral love to seek, ancient secrets, and knowledge
Uldra, Huldra folk: Divination, prosperity spells, invisibility, appearing to take the
shape of someone or something else
D.J. Conway