
Topic: All Magick
Memetic Virus Theory
Extract from the cultural universal mind a virus, or bind one to the person, situation, or object.
The creation of a new virus from the cultural universal mind without the willed casting
Spontanously memetic genesis- At the same time virus are created
Virus created and willed through the manipulation as virus in the cultural universal mind to create a complex virus defining the virus form.
This virus structure was put into the cultural universal mind
Virus must be created and programmed to act within the virus programming in question.
In creating a virus in the cultural universal mind this created virus must create other viruses to maintain the virus’s desired end.
The virus in the cultural universal mind will control other people or things or events.
A person can affect change in whatever by creating thought viruses which spread and infect, teach, and replicate throughout the world.
Any virus manipulating the cultural universal mind which results in new virus structures is an example of FASHIONED MEMETIC GENESIS Creating a new virus.
People can create viruses and charge them into the cultural universal mind with the intent of the viruses programming, must be correctly charged.
Try to cast viruses that have a sympathetic intent in order to manipulate.
A category of a virus intent that is powerful that a virus seeks to replicate into uninfected minds.
Attack virus memes are created to attack someone or the cultural mind.
The virus structure is an aggressive virus which attempts to subdue threats in the most effective manner.
The cultural mind and the viruses manifesting are at war between viruses.
Defensive memes-virus- are created to block or divert the activity of other viruses.
Virus mutation-
When viruses are released, the virus takes on a life of their own. The person can create a virus with certain attributes intended to protect a virus from seen an unforeseen viral influence, but will have little control over how a created virus reacts once its been charged and put into position to act. If the creator of the virus creates a high quality sturdy virus it should withstand the attacks of other viruses and accomplish its purpose. If the creator of the virus leaves a weakness in the virus it could be exploited by pre-existing viruses residing in the cultural mind. Unforeseen viruses linking to created viruses can cause the virus to mutate into new virus which then affects the cultural mindset in unusual and unanticipated ways.
Virus structures like atoms bind to receptive points of the edges of other viruses. If a person wishes to create a virus unlikely to mutate, they must make certain to create a virus with as few receptive points as possible.
Viruses become viruses because the individual virus, which constitute the parts of the whole are able to bind to one another. The virus nature is to bind with other viruses to create more complex thought/virus entities.
A person can create viruses shielded from the influence of foreign virus types, this shielding can always be bypassed by the invading virus possessing the proper characteristics.
A created virus with strong defensive walls should be able to withstand attacks from other viruses over long periods of time, remaining to uphold the virus’s intent.
Viruses could be created by attracting other viruses and incorporating those viruses into the original virus. A skilled virus creator could create a virus framework with open binding ports into which other viruses can be absorbed.
For replication to occur dealing with viruses, it must bind itself to another, and mate or copy.
If a person wants to make a great change to the world, it must affect many. By binding his created virus onto an existing virus that has been successfully effective, it needs to be implanted.