
Topic: All Magick
Chaos Ideas
Create sigil, charge sigil, create mantra from sigil, chant a spell from sigil, create servitor from sigil mantra.
Use the spirit of something, like charmed book of shadows from the show, or frost spirits, etc.
Use both a sigil and mantra in your work. Sigil Servitors to create.
Create a sigil, create servitor or use one already made, and use it to create or multiply the sigils Intent with a mantra too. Invoking, or on its own. Visualize what he or she is to do, and talk with it, force it to act, duplicate being (intent) and send it off.
Sigil charging employing the Chaossphere:
In lieu of other charging techniques you can project the magickal
sigil activation into the Chaossphere; banishing (preferably by
laughter) should follow immediately. Afterwards aim to forget the
whole magickal operation as thoroughly as possible to avoid
interference with the sigil`s operation by the unwanted rise of
consciousness of said operation/sigil and resultant inhibiting
psychic censor activity.
Charging the Chaossphere:
Experience has shown that the Chaossphere does not demand a special
charging by ritual etc. Rather, the charging takes place alone by
its practical application. Should you desire to incorporate magickal
"condensator" fluids or solids (eg. as used for charging magickal
mirrors) this can easily be achieved by unscrewing the tips and
replacing them after filling in the condensator.
Activating psychogones/chaoservitors employing the Chaossphere:
Use the Chaossphere as a "base camp" and "home" for
psychogones/chaoservitors and/or as a form of "launching pad". In
case of the former the Chaossphere presents itself as a high class
power receptacle and storage battery from which you can extract your
psychogones/chaoservitors into the Chaossphere as you would with
sigils to be activated; thus, the Chaossphere will become a gate to
the Sphere of Chaos for your magickal entities in which (and from
which) they will become active in accord with your bidding.
To create the servitor, summon energy that represents that intent, summon from the chaos sphere, the base to what it will be in, to activate the servitor also. Say you want to effect the past, summon the energy of the past and put it into the servitor, use the servitor to activate the sigil.
Some by Serpenta Azothi, The rest unknown.