
Topic: All Magick
Spell Crafting
General Precepts in Norse Spell Craft
- State the conditions of the spell in such a way that there isn’t a doubt nor room for backfire.
- Compare spell with Norse Myth
- Establishing myth invokes a permanent condition
- Invoke the sisters of fate by analogy and allegory
- Using myth with spells evokes the power of divinity
- Precise calling forth of conditions, no opening for error
- Repeat spell three times, 3 seconds, 3 minutes, 3 hours, 3 days
- Be monotonous when speaking protection spells with repetition
- Set impossible and redundant tasks on victim, requiring to pass impossible distances, or count uncountable items before being bound, i.e. blooming flowers.
- Use runes, or signs three times
- Use three lady spells, Like: Three ladies from the east, or three ladies across the land
- State spell in third person
- Do not make flowery spells, its an insult to the them
- Use lines like: Bearing hot and fiery brands
- Speak in present tense
- Also invocation is a kenning representing them coming
- Then action of the ladies or something they possess, which involves them being parallel with the process or goal of the spell
- Need to assume a connection with subtle forces to acknowledge them by starting with three ladies, on the first line of the spell
- 1st line after declaration of three sisters is the problem
- 2nd line is the action being done
- 3rd is outcome being final
- 3rd, 4th, 5th lines are in a conversation between the sisters
- 1st- Situation or cause
- 2nd- Change in condition
- 3rd- Outcome
- Write as actions of each sister
- Recite 1st line with image of connection of the sisters, see three women with each corresponding color capes running or moving
- Imagine 2nd line as her action
- 3rd her finishing it
- The first sister speaks lightly, gives feeling thing will change
- 2nd louder and with more certainty
- 3rd declared firm and serious, then fire it
- Mentally link spell your casting to the event
- Equate with imagery on an image that represents opponent or issue
- When wording spells make sure there isn’t a magical opening that can counter itself
- The main object, theme, in spell must connect with sisters and their actions visualized
- Use the object of spell work. Example- A fire spell, use fire
- As each line is spoken, visualize Norns in the mind doing their actions
- 1st sister (Issue)-Visualize her as holding the problem
- 2nd sister (Change)- Visualize her as change
- 3rd sister (Outcome)-Visualize it final
- Visualize each sister as a script, fulfilling their jobs
From Norse Charms, Spoken Spells and Rhymes
By, Thor, and Audrey Sheil
Some by,
Serpenta Azothi