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Thursday, 12 July 2007
To Age Something Technique
Mood:  bright
Topic: All Magick

Aging Technique

Basically, the first thing you need to know is to believe you can do it. Then you do the following... Take an object and touch with both hands, see that the object is beyond the veil and is nothing, meaning the only existance it has is what you see it as. Then suck within the energy of the object and at the same simultaniously moment let it flow out, and see the
molecules going in and out at the same time. Keep doing this until your eyes feel strong energy, and your hands turn hot, cause they will physically. Do this until you feel its been done, you wont see the changes until a few minutes go by. 
If you dont see a difference within 5 minutes do it again.


But I must say this is very tiring so dont do it during the day. Also I have noticed that the object ages as if it were in the future, and was doing it naturally exept it is going at a very fast rate. You will reverse your own aging doing this, but you must do it in a regular basis everyday. Also, I feel that it is possible to do this with astral matter. So you dont go by destroying all your things, lol! This is the process, and I hope
people learn this, and are able to do it. That is all, and good

Serpenta Azothi


Posted by lam777 at 7:58 PM EDT
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