
Topic: Occult Symbolism
Angels and Spirits Guide
The angels of the 11-32 paths
1. Kether-Metatron-Air-Aces
2. Chokmah-Ratzkiel-Water-Twos
3. Binah-Tzafkiel-Saturn-Threes
4. Chesed-Tzadkiel-Jupiter-Fours
5. Geburah-Khamael-Mars-Fives
6. Tiphareth-Michael,Raphael-Sun-Sixes
7. Netzach-Haniel-Venus-Sevens
8. Hod-Michael,Raphael-Mercury-Eights
9. Yesode-Gabriel-Moon-Nines
10. Malkuth-Sandalphon-Earth-Tens
11. Ruachiel- Kether and Chokmah-Fool Card-Air
12. Mikael-Kether and Binah-Magician Card-Mercury
13. Gebriel-Kether and Tiphareth-High Priestess Card-Moon
14. Haniel-Chokmah and Binah-Empress Card-Venus
15. Melkidael-Chockmah and Tiphareth-The Emperer Card-Aries
16. Asmodel-Chokmah and Chesed-Hierophant Card-Taurus
17. Ambriel-Binah and Tiphareth-Lovers Card-Gemini
18. Moriel- Binah and Geburah-The Chariot-Cancer
19. Urkiel-Chesed and Geburah-Strength Card-Leo
20. Hameliel-Chesed and Tiphareth-Hermit Card-Virgo
21. Tzadqiel- Chokmah and Netzach-Wheel of Fortune Card-Jupiter
22. Zoriel- Geburah and Tiphareth-Justice Card-Libra
23. Miel-Geburah and Hod-Hanged Man Card-Water
24. Berekiel-Tiphareth and Netzach-Death Card-Scorpio
25. Adukiel-Tiphareth and Yesode-Temperance Card-Sagittarius
26. Hanel-Tiphareth and Hode-The Devil Card-Capricorn
27. Kamael- Netzach and Hod-The Tower Card-Mars
28. Kambriel- Netzach and Yesode-The Star Card-Aquarius
29. Amnitziel- Netzach and Malkuth- The Moon Card-Pisces
30. Raphael-Hod and Yesod-The Sun Card-Sun
31. Ashiel-Hod and Malkuth- Judgment Card-Fire
32. Tzaphqiel-Yesod and Malkuth- World Card-Saturn
Serpenta Azothi