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Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Tarot Minors Crowely's extra meanings
Mood:  cool
Topic: Tarot

Crowley’s Notes of The Minor Arcana



1)      The source of all (Wands)

2)      The wrath of the lamb, the wisdom and the son of god

3)      The slain lamb re-arisen in the temple of the living god

4)      The bride of the lamb presented to the almighty father

5)      The terror of the beast, his fury of lust

6)      The father has sent forth the beast to set up the abomination of desolation

7)      The wrath of the beast maketh men to be mad

8)      The sign of the bow in the cloud redeeming energy

9)      The promise of the rainbow-“ye shall do you pleasure upon earth as men and women for ever and for ever

10)  The promise of the rainbow-“ye shall do you pleasure upon earth as men and women for ever and for ever


1)      Root of water (Cups)

2)      Babalon in the chariot of chaos bearing the grail

3)      The charioteer of the grail set out from the city of the pyramids

4)      The blood of the saints offered to the father in the grail

5)      The wrath of the great dragon that girdleth the grail in his fury

6)      The glory of the great dragon set up in the temple of the grail

7)      The love feast of the great dragon and of Babalon our lady

8)      The terror of the darkness of the pylon of the temple of the grail

9)      The father mastereth the candidate in the darkness of that temple

10)  The wrath of night upon the earth- shadow of the grail


1)      Root of air (Swords)

2)      The balanced imagination is wisdom, a sword of god

3)      Brotherhood in arms is beloved of the mother

4)      The father holdeth the balance, ruling the war

5)      Babalon purifieth and giveth hope to them that war

6)      Reason purifeth the temple during war

7)      Imagination purifeth the hearts of the warriors

8)      The father sends forth horus and harpocrates to war

9)      The wrath of the twins at the frontier of the abyss

10)   The triumph of the twins, their warrior rule upon the earth(millennium)


1)      Root of earth (Pentacles)

2)      The lust of the goat is the wisdom of god upon earth

3)      The wrath of god against the women of the earth

4)      The triumph of the goat his glory upon the earth

5)      The mind of labor the affliction of the earth

6)      The imagination in labor the glory of earth

7)      Age ending labor, the repose of earth

8)      The triumph of the virgin hermaphrodite upon the earth

9)      Babalon prostituteth the virgin to the lust of the earth

10)   Reason is cast out by the virgin from the dwellers of the earth


From Via Tarot

The Path of Life

Susan Jameson, John Bonner

Posted by lam777 at 10:11 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 July 2007 10:18 PM EDT
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